Traffic and road safety offences and number of offenders handled in Uganda, 2...
Description: The data shows the different traffic and road safety offences committed between 2022 and 2023 and the number of offenders. The offences include driving a motor... -
Nature of road crashes in Uganda from 2011 to 2023
Description: The data shows the number of road traffic crashes in Uganda in the last 13 years (2011 – 2023). The crashes are categorized as either fatal, serious or minor. Data... -
Monthly trend of road traffic crashes in Uganda, 2011 – 2023
Description: The data shows the number of road traffic crashes in Uganda recorded by month in the last 12 years (2011 – 2023). Most recent changes: The dataset was last updated... -
Fatalities of road crashes in Uganda by road user group, 2011 – 2023
Description: The data shows the number of people categorized by road user group that died in crashes in Uganda in the last 13 years (2011 – 2023). The data indicates that more... -
Class of vehicles involved in road crashes in Uganda, 2011 – 2023
Description: The data shows the different classes of vehicles that have been involved in road traffic crashes in Uganda since 2011. The classes of vehicles include motor cars,... -
Top ten high-risk fatal road crash spots in Kampala, 2019-2022
This data is taken from the Kampala Annual Road Safety Report of 2022. The data shows the top ten high-risk fatal crash spots in Kampala for four years between 2019 and 2022. -
Prison population in Uganda by district (2019-2020)
These datasets is republished from the 2022 Statistical Abstract of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics. One dataset pertains to the prison population in Uganda by district for the... -
Uganda's trade data: exports by destination and imports by origin (2017-2021)
These datasets are taken from Uganda Bureau of Statistics' 2022 Statistical Abstract. The data is sourced from Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Uganda Revenue Authority, Uganda... -
Uganda's formal and informal exports, 2017-2021: commodity values and volumes
The datasets on formal and informal exports categorised by commodity, and their respective values in ('000 US $) and volumes. The data is featured in the 2022 Statistical... -
Number of GBV survivors that reported to health facilities by district (2017-...
This dataset on the number of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) survivors who reported to health facilities across districts from 2017 to 2020 is featured in the 2022 Statistical... -
FinScope 2018
This dataset shows the levels of access to and use of financial products and services by Ugandans. The data covers areas like household welfare indicators, sources of income,... -
Development Minerals in Uganda
The data shows the baseline assessment of development minerals in Uganda, market study and value chain analysis. The data was obtained from ACP-EU ((African, Caribbean and... -
Revenue Collections 1991/92 to 2016/17
The data set shows the revenue collections, percentage share of revenue and tax to GDP ratios of Uganda from the financial year of 1991/92 to 2016/17 by URA. It includes data... -
Artisanal Mining Locations in Uganda
The data shows the artisanal mining locations in Uganda, the minerals in those locations and the total number of miners (both men and women) at those locations. -
Financial Inclusion Data
The dataset shows access to mobile phones among Ugandans and other services that people use. The data covers a total of 3000 households all over Uganda. This data was made... -
Pupil Enrollment, Teachers, Health facilities, Learning facilities and Specia...
The data shows the assessment of over 1,000 primary schools on learning in Uganda across 112 districts covering a period from 2010-2015. The data was acquired from Twaweza. -
Registered and licensed health units in Uganda
The following data set was compiled by the Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council. The data set was current as of 31st December 2016. -
Reported beneficial owners of select petroleum and mining companies in Uganda
The Uganda Companies Act and the Partnership Act require each company and limited liability partnership registered in Uganda to keep a register of its beneficial owners. The... -
Uganda census population counts and projections (2002-2021)
Description: This data contains census population counts (2002 and 2014) sorted by district and mid-year population projections (2015-2021). The dataset is contained in the 2022... -
Population in Uganda by census year (1969-2014)
This dataset, from the 2022 Statistical Abstract of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, provides population data by census year. The years captured are 1969, 1980, 1991, 2002 and...
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