Reported beneficial owners of select petroleum and mining companies in Uganda

The Uganda Companies Act and the Partnership Act require each company and limited liability partnership registered in Uganda to keep a register of its beneficial owners. The beneficial owner register discloses the personal information of the beneficial owners of a company or partnership, the nature of the ownership or control they have in the company or partnership, and the date they ceased to be beneficial owners. Additionally, the Mining and Minerals Act, 2022 states: "The Minister shall promptly publish and maintain all beneficial ownership information of mineral rights, licence or permit holders in a publicly accessible format on its website."

The following is a dataset of companies selected in the Uganda Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (UGEITI) reconciliation scope. It contains information on reported beneficial ownership.



維護者 African Centre for Media Excellence
最後更新 December 21, 2023, 6:07 AM (UTC+00:00)
建立 October 2, 2023, 8:15 AM (UTC+00:00)