Fatalities of road crashes in Uganda by road user group, 2011 – 2023

Description: The data shows the number of people categorized by road user group that died in crashes in Uganda in the last 13 years (2011 – 2023).

The data indicates that more pedestrians died in road crashes followed by motor cyclists between 2011 – 2023. The two groups of road users constituted more than 60% of all persons that died in crashes in that period.

Most recent changes: The dataset was last updated in 2024.

Languages: EN

Source: This data was obtained from the Uganda Police Force. For more information visit https://www.upf.go.ug/



來源 Uganda Police Force
作者 African Centre for Media Excellence
維護者 Brian Ssenabulya
最後更新 三月 18, 2024, 13:42 (Africa/Kampala)
建立 三月 17, 2024, 22:55 (Africa/Kampala)