Traffic and road safety offences and number of offenders handled in Uganda, 2022-2023

Description: The data shows the different traffic and road safety offences committed between 2022 and 2023 and the number of offenders. The offences include driving a motor vehicle in a dangerous mechanical condition, riding without a crash helmet, speeding, driving without a valid driving permit, using a hand-held mobile phone, dangerous loading, obstruction on a road by loading or off loading, etc.

The data indicates that the leading traffic and road safety offences committed in the last two years (2022 – 2023) are driving a motor vehicle in a dangerous mechanical condition and riding without a valid driver’s permit in first and second place respectively. The two were followed by obstruction on a road by loading or off loading. The three offences contributed 47% of the total cases handled by Uganda Police Force in the last two years. The other frequent offences included careless driving, riding without a crash helmet and driving without a valid driving permit.

Most recent changes: The dataset was last updated on 2024.

Languages: EN

Source: This data was obtained from the Uganda Police Force. For more information visit



來源 Uganda Police Force
作者 African Centre for Media Excellence
維護者 Brian Ssenabulya
最後更新 三月 19, 2024, 10:45 (Africa/Kampala)
建立 三月 19, 2024, 10:43 (Africa/Kampala)