482 datasets found

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  • Industrial Minerals

    This data set shows the different Industrial Minerals in Uganda as of 2017. The data is acquired from the Department of Geological Surveys and Mines.
  • Critical Oil Roads

    These are two resource; a GIS & CSV dataset, both of which show the 17 roads (by name and length in kilometres) that the Uganda government plans to build in the oil rich...
  • Ownership and Other Details on Approved National Oil Suppliers in Uganda

    This dataset indicates the shareholders, directors, company secretaries and other details of 353 companies which were approved to be suppliers in the oil value chain by the...
  • Uganda Mineral Production_Volumes & Values_1994 - 2018

    This dataset indicates the volume (in tonnes) of different minerals produced from Uganda, from 1994 to the first quarter of 2018, as well as what the monetary value of these...
  • Known Issues with Mineral Licence Holders in Uganda - 2012

    The two files flag list a variety of ways in which holders of mineral concessions in Uganda had flouted the rules and conditions for their licences. Issues are listed by mining...
  • Road Construction Projects by Uganda National Roads Authority

    This dataset shows details on 48 road construction projects under the Uganda National Roads Authority as of January 2018. The data was scraped from their website by the African...
  • Uganda National Road Network

    The dataset shows Uganda's national roads network as of December 2017. It indicates the names of the roads, what surface they have (bitumen vs unsurfaced), how long they are (in...
  • Uganda's District population projections 2015-2020.

    This data set shows Uganda's district population projections from 2015 to 2020 respectively.
  • Salaries of Government Officers

    The dataset shows the salaries of monthly and annual salaries for 457 job positions in the Uganda government. It was curated from the May 2017 report on salary disparities in...
  • Uganda Revenue Authority Collection & Targets

    One of these two datasets shows the revenue collection targets set for the Uganda Revenue Authority, each year from 1991/92 to 2015/16 and the other shows the actual taxes...
  • Mineral Concessions/Licences

    This data set shows the different Mineral Concessions in Uganda as of 28th July 2017. The data is acquired from the Department of Geological Surveys and Mines and maps the 907...
  • Members of the 10th Parliament - Profile Information

    Names, districts, constituencies, committees, phone numbers, education background, past employment details, stated hobbies and other information on 439 members of the 10th...
  • Generation Sites

    This data set shows Energy Generation Sites of Uganda as of 2016. The data is acquired from the Ministry of Mining and Mineral Development.
  • Divisions Kampala

    This data set shows Administrative Boundary data, specifically the Division or Sub-county Boundary for Kampala as in 2014. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics.
  • National Administrative Boundary

    This data set shows Administrative Boundary data, specifically the National Country Boundary as in 2014. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics.
  • Neighboring Country Boundaries

    This data set shows Administrative Boundary data, specifically for Neighboring Countries. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics.
  • Subcounties

    This data set shows Administrative Boundary data at Sub County level as of 2014. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics.
  • Subregions

    This data set shows Administrative Boundary data at Sub region level as of 2014. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics.
  • Uganda Demographics and Health Survey

    This data set shows the different health aspects covered in the Uganda Demographic Health Survey reports for the years 2000-01, 2006, 2011 and 2016. The surveys were implemented...
  • Lakes 2012

    This data set shows the Lakes of Uganda as at 2012. The data is acquired from the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development.
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