Compliance report of mineral rights holders in Uganda as of March 2019
Description: The following data is a compilation of mining licence holders’ compliance to Sections 49-51 of the Mining Act, 2003 as of March 2019. The summary compliance report... -
Registration details of companies holding mining licences in Uganda
Description: This data set shows the registration details of companies that hold mining licences in Uganda. The registration details captured in this data are registration... -
Mineral Concessions in Uganda as of 14 December 2018
Description: This dataset lists the different Mineral Concessions in Uganda as of 14 December, 2018. It lists the 844 mineral concessions in Uganda and who holds the licence to... -
Crime statistics by district and region in 2018
Description: This data shows a summary of the number of crimes committed in Uganda by district and region in 2018. The crimes include homicides, theft, robberies, assaults,... -
2018 crime statistics by category of crime
Description: A summary of the number of crimes by category that were committed in Uganda in 2018. The data is broken down by reported cases, performance, persons taken to court... -
Uganda prison population statistics, 2011-2017
Description: These datasets, drawn from the 2018 statistical abstract of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, provide a count of prisoners nationally and per district; gender and... -
Administrative units in Uganda
Description: Uganda is stratified into administrative units namely; Districts, Counties, Constituencies, Sub-Counties, Parishes and Villages. This dataset is a count of the... -
Uganda mineral production quantities and values, 2013-2017
Description: Annual mineral production in Uganda by quantity and value of minerals produced from 2013 to 2017. Most recent changes: The dataset was last updated in 2018.... -
Value of goods re-exported by Uganda in 2018
This data, obtained from the Uganda Revenue Authority Annual Re-Export Trade Report of 2018, provides statistics of the value (in USD) of goods re-exported by Uganda to other... -
Electricity supply industry performance statistics for the year 2018
The Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) released an electricity supply industry performance report for the year 2018 with data covering areas like Uganda's Electricity... -
Register of recognised laboratories under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme
Uganda National Bureau of Statistics has released an updated list of recognised laboratories under the laboratory recognition scheme. These laboratories are approved at the... -
Licensed health units in Uganda as of June 2019
This data shows the number of health units with operating licences in Uganda as at 19th June 2019. It also goes further to list the respective owners of these health units. The... -
Uganda electricity transmission statistics, 2018
This dataset shows the energy purchased in megawatt hours, energy purchased in million shillings, energy sold in megawatt hours and million shillings, energy sales by time of... -
Licenced electricity generation plants in Uganda as of May 2019
This data shows the licenced electricity generation plants in Uganda as of May 2019. It further shows the generator, operator, technology used, installed capacity and licenced... -
Main grid electricity generation statistics in Uganda in 2018
This dataset shows the energy generated to the national grid by the electricity generation companies in Uganda and installed capacities for electricity generation companies. The... -
Off-grid electricity generation and distribution in Uganda in 2018.
This dataset shows the energy generated by the off-grid plants in kilowatt hours, energy sold, number of employees per plant and the number of customers. This data was obtained... -
Electricity distribution statistics in Uganda in 2018
This dataset, obtained from the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) comprehensive electricity supply industry database, shows the energy purchased in kilowatt hours, energy... -
Registered private garbage collectors 2012/2013
List and details of registered and licensed garbage collectors in Uganda for the 2012/13 period. -
Metallic mineral occurrences in Uganda
This data set shows types, location and nature of metallic minerals in Uganda as of 2017. The data was acquired by the African Centre for Media Excellence (ACME) from the... -
Refugees and asylum seekers in Uganda as of 31 May 2019
This data shows the number of refugees and asylum seekers in Uganda as of 31-May 2019. The data is categorised by settlement, refugee status, country of origin, sex and age...