Proposed National Roads Programmed for Periodic Maintenance for FY 2014/2015.
Proposed National Roads Programmed for Periodic Maintenance for FY 2014/2015. All projects put together in one data resource. -
JLOS Release Performance at half year FY 2012/13 (by Institution)
Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) is one of the most important enabling sectors in Uganda. Internationally, the rule of law has become one of the principal variables for... -
JLOS Budget Allocation FY 2013/14 (by Institution)
Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) is one of the most important enabling sectors in Uganda. Internationally, the rule of law has become one of the principal variables for... -
Expenditure Framework as Share of total Budget under the NDP Vs MTEF 2012/13-...
National Development Plan (NDP) -
Key Macroeconomic indicators and targets for FY 2011/12- FY 2013/14
In FY 2012/13, real GDP at market prices was projected to grow by 4.1%, as the economy continues to recover from the after effects of the recent global and regional shocks. This... -
Output Performance in Comparison to Budget Performance for the FY 2012/13 (On...
comparison of the budget performance against the output performance. In cases where the output performance is below the finance performance for the first half of the financial... -
Sector Allocations and their share of MTEF in FY 2013/14 compared to FY 2012/13
Sectoral allocations in FY 2013/14 indicate a growth of 7.3% in the MTEF allocation when compared to FY 2012/13. The highest increase of resource allocation is under the Energy... -
Unfunded Priority Outputs FY 2013-14 (UGX, Bns)
Critical analysis of the Sector Budget Framework Paper (SBFP) for FY 2013-14, reveals that there is a huge funding gap amounting Ushs 1,445.22bn and some of the key priorities... -
Agriculture Sector Performance for Half Year FY 2012/13
The data is by Vote Function and exclude the Donor Data is in billions of UGX. -
Uganda Budget 1994-2014
Budget allocation for the uganda budget of 1994-2014 -
Uganda Budgets
Vote Cross-Cutting Policy and Other Budgetary Issues 2014-2015
This section discusses how the vote's plans will address and respond to the cross-cutting policy, issues of gender and equity; HIV/AIDS; and the Environment, and other budgetary... -
Minsitry of Health 2013/14 and 2014/15 Budget Allocations by Item
Changes in Budget Allocations and Outputs in 2014/15 from 2013/14 Planned Levels -
Overview of Vote Expenditures (UShs Billion)
Summary of Past Performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations in the ministry of health
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