SitAn Statistical Abstract
Raw Data Full Spreadsheet.xslx
This is the full spreadsheet with descriptions, totals etc.
Impact per RegionCSV
Source for all indicators: Rates - UBOS and ICF International, 2012 Numbers -...
Survival and Health per RegionCSV
*Due to lack of an adjustment factor for multiple births, the number of new...
Survival and Health per DistrictCSV
Sources Columns B, C and D: Annual Health sector Performance Report 2012/13...
Education per RegionCSV
Sources Rates - UBOS and ICF International, 2012 Numbers - UNICEF Calculations
Education per DistrictCSV
Sources Children completing primary school, % - MoESTS (2013b) Number of...
Protection per RegionCSV
Sources: Rates - UBOS and ICF International, 2012 Numbers - UNICEF Calculations
欄位 | 值 |
作者 | Diego Angemi |
版本 | 1.0 |
最後更新 | 六月 25, 2015, 19:32 (Africa/Kampala) |
建立 | 六月 24, 2015, 22:14 (Africa/Kampala) |