Known Issues with Mineral Licence Holders in Uganda - 2012

The two files flag list a variety of ways in which holders of mineral concessions in Uganda had flouted the rules and conditions for their licences. Issues are listed by mining licence (429 in total) and against the holder of that licence. Listed issues include illegal acquisition of the licences, failure to prove availability of financial resources to execute the work expected, keeping the mining concession redudant, unresolved conflicts with communities in the concession areas among others. While some of the issues may since have been resolved or the licences revoked, the information held here should be compared to the updated list of mineral licence holders here: A number of flagged licences currently hold new licences. The data was obtained by ACME from a confidential but credible source and ACME verified its authenticity.



維護者 Lydia Namubiru
最後更新 五月 10, 2018, 17:13 (Africa/Kampala)
建立 五月 10, 2018, 17:05 (Africa/Kampala)