Key Performance Indicators for Mini-Grids in 2018
This data shows the performance of the Mini-Grids on selected Key Performance Indicators (parameters). On average, the Mini-Grids had 8 Customers per kilometer of Network Length and a Customer averagely consumed 0.6 MWh. Averagely, an employee attended to 221.6 Customers, contributed to sale of 139.1 MWh of energy and operated averagely 27.2 Kms of the Network Length. This data was obtained from the ERA electricity supply industry performance report of 2018
欄位 | 值 |
最後更新 | 七月 14, 2019 |
建立 | 七月 14, 2019 |
格式 | CSV |
授權 | Other (Public Domain) |
created | 超過 5 年之前 |
datastore active | 1 |
format | CSV |
has views | 1 |
id | c76b50ae-2c90-4396-837b-6856184e2086 |
last modified | 超過 5 年之前 |
on same domain | 1 |
package id | 7fed140b-b871-4124-af86-419b5ca1d469 |
position | 4 |
revision id | 0f60f6dd-eaa9-455b-bf4e-cab84b11ac04 |
state | active |
url type | upload |