Key Performance Indicators for UMEME Limited
The data shows a summary of UMEME Limited’s performance on Key Performance Indicators over the years. This data was obtained from the ERA electricity supply industry performance report of 2018
欄位 | 值 |
最後更新 | 七月 14, 2019 |
建立 | 七月 14, 2019 |
格式 | CSV |
授權 | Other (Public Domain) |
created | 超過 5 年之前 |
datastore active | 1 |
format | CSV |
has views | 1 |
id | 2f266245-f271-43b3-b754-cae09c3209e0 |
last modified | 超過 5 年之前 |
on same domain | 1 |
package id | 7fed140b-b871-4124-af86-419b5ca1d469 |
position | 3 |
revision id | 303d85d2-f288-42bf-8518-7c5ef6f2a6ac |
state | active |
url type | upload |