Road crash fatalities in Uganda by road user group, 2011 – 2022

Description: The data shows the number of people categorized by road user group that died in crashes in Uganda in the last 12 years (2011 – 2022). The data indicates that more pedestrians died in road crashes followed by motor cyclists between 2011 – 2022. The two groups of road users constituted more than 60% of all persons that died in crashes in that period.

Most recent changes: The dataset was last updated in 2023.

Languages: EN

Source: This data was obtained from the Uganda Police Force. For more information visit

Дані та ресурси

Додаткова інформація

Поле Значення
Джерело Uganda Police Force
Автор ACME
Супровідний Brian Ssenabulya
Останнє оновлення Липень 3, 2023, 12:06 (Africa/Kampala)
Створено Липень 3, 2023, 12:05 (Africa/Kampala)