Artisanal Mining Locations in Uganda
The data shows the artisanal mining locations in Uganda, the minerals in those locations and the total number of miners (both men and women) at those locations. -
Mineral concessions in Uganda as of April 2019
Description: This dataset lists the different parties that hold mining licences in Uganda as of 10th April, 2019. The data also shows the type of licence held, minerals, grant... -
Registration details of companies holding mining licences in Uganda
Description: This data set shows the registration details of companies that hold mining licences in Uganda. The registration details captured in this data are registration... -
Mineral Concessions in Uganda as of 14 December 2018
Description: This dataset lists the different Mineral Concessions in Uganda as of 14 December, 2018. It lists the 844 mineral concessions in Uganda and who holds the licence to... -
Uganda mineral production quantities and values, 2013-2017
Description: Annual mineral production in Uganda by quantity and value of minerals produced from 2013 to 2017. Most recent changes: The dataset was last updated in 2018....
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