Production of major crops by district, UCA 2008 / 2009
Production of major crops by district, UCA 2008 / 2009 -
Total area of Major Crops by district, 2008 / 2009
Total area of Major Crops by district 2008 / 2009 -
Agriculture Financing and Sector Perfomance in Uganda
Case Study of Donor-Funded Projects -
Agriculture Sector Performance for Half Year FY 2012/13
The data is by Vote Function and exclude the Donor Data is in billions of UGX. -
National livestock census results by district, UCA 2008
National livestock census results by district, UCA 2008 -
Fish production quantity, 1961 / 2010
Fish production quantity , 1961 / 2010 -
Formal Agricultural Exports by percentage value, 2006 /2010
Formal Agricultural Exports by percentage value, 2006 /2010
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