Road crash fatalities in Uganda by road user group, 2011 – 2020
Description: The data shows the number of people categorized by road user group that died in crashes in Uganda in the last 10 years (2011 – 2020). The data indicates that more... -
Road crash fatalities in Uganda by age and gender, 2011 – 2020
Description: The data shows the number of people disaggregated by gender and age that have died in road crashes in Uganda in the last 10 years (2011 – 2020). The data indicates... -
Time of road crashes in Uganda, 2011 – 2020
Description: The data shows the time road crashes happen in Uganda. The crashes are disaggregated into fatal, serious and minor. Data for the last 10 years (2011 – 2020)... -
Causes of road crashes in Uganda, 2011 - 2020
Description: The data shows the different causes of road traffic crashes in Uganda over years. The crashes are further disaggregated into fatal, serious and minor. The causes... -
Non-life insurance premium paid since 2013
Description: The data shows the amount of money spent on insurance premiums in Uganda on the different non-life insurance policies from 2013 to 2019. Most recent changes: The... -
List of Members of the 11th Parliament of Uganda as of May 2021
Description: The data shows the names of Members of the 11th Parliament of Uganda as of 3rd May 2021. The data further shows the constituencies of the members, their gender, and... -
Crime statistics in Uganda by district in 2020
Description: This data shows a summary of the number of crimes committed in Uganda by district in 2020. The crimes include homicides, theft, robberies, assaults, terrorism among... -
Mining revenue collection since 2011 - 2012 financial year
Description: This dataset shows the revenue collected from the mining sector from the 2011-12 to 2019 – 20 financial year by Uganda Revenue Authority. The data also shows the... -
Petroleum revenue collection since 2011 - 2012 financial year
Description: This dataset shows the revenue collected from the petroleum sector from the 2011-12 to 2019 – 20 financial year by Uganda Revenue Authority. The data also shows the... -
Population changes in the mining and oil rich districts of Uganda since 1969
Description: This dataset shows the population changes in mining and oil rich districts from the 1969 census to the 2014 census conducted by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics. The... -
Mineral concessions in Uganda as of December 2020
Description:This dataset lists the different companies that hold mining licences in Uganda as of December 2020. The data also shows the status of the licence, application date,... -
Crime statistics in Uganda by district in 2019
Description: This data shows a summary of the number of crimes committed in Uganda by district in 2019. The crimes include homicides, theft, robberies, assaults, terrorism among... -
Data on Chinese investments in Uganda
Description: This dataset lists the number of Chinese licensed projects in Uganda, planned investment in US dollars and planned employment all disaggregated by sector. Most... -
Mineral concessions in Uganda as of April 2019
Description: This dataset lists the different parties that hold mining licences in Uganda as of 10th April, 2019. The data also shows the type of licence held, minerals, grant... -
Compliance report of mineral rights holders in Uganda as of March 2019
Description: The following data is a compilation of mining licence holders’ compliance to Sections 49-51 of the Mining Act, 2003 as of March 2019. The summary compliance report... -
Registration details of companies holding mining licences in Uganda
Description: This data set shows the registration details of companies that hold mining licences in Uganda. The registration details captured in this data are registration... -
Mineral Concessions in Uganda as of 14 December 2018
Description: This dataset lists the different Mineral Concessions in Uganda as of 14 December, 2018. It lists the 844 mineral concessions in Uganda and who holds the licence to... -
Crime statistics by district and region in 2018
Description: This data shows a summary of the number of crimes committed in Uganda by district and region in 2018. The crimes include homicides, theft, robberies, assaults,... -
2018 crime statistics by category of crime
Description: A summary of the number of crimes by category that were committed in Uganda in 2018. The data is broken down by reported cases, performance, persons taken to court... -
Uganda prison population statistics, 2011-2017
Description: These datasets, drawn from the 2018 statistical abstract of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, provide a count of prisoners nationally and per district; gender and...
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