Industrial Minerals
This data set shows the different Industrial Minerals in Uganda as of 2017. The data is acquired from the Department of Geological Surveys and Mines. -
Mineral Concessions/Licences
This data set shows the different Mineral Concessions in Uganda as of 28th July 2017. The data is acquired from the Department of Geological Surveys and Mines and maps the 907... -
Generation Sites
This data set shows Energy Generation Sites of Uganda as of 2016. The data is acquired from the Ministry of Mining and Mineral Development. -
Divisions Kampala
This data set shows Administrative Boundary data, specifically the Division or Sub-county Boundary for Kampala as in 2014. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics. -
National Administrative Boundary
This data set shows Administrative Boundary data, specifically the National Country Boundary as in 2014. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics. -
Neighboring Country Boundaries
This data set shows Administrative Boundary data, specifically for Neighboring Countries. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics. -
This data set shows Administrative Boundary data at Sub County level as of 2014. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics. -
Lakes 2012
This data set shows the Lakes of Uganda as at 2012. The data is acquired from the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development. -
Districts 2014
This data set shows Administrative Boundary data at District level as of 2014. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics. -
Portal that provides analysis on various types of data, relevant for analysing economic transformation, in select low-middle income and middle-income countries. The data is... -
PEPFAR Programme data
Summary page from which you can analyse: Planned Funding, Expenditures and Results. -
Primary health care grants, 2000 / 2010
Primary health care grants, 2000 / 2010 Source: Annual sector performace report 2010/11 MoH -
UCC Access and Usage Survey 2014
Some of the objectives of the study was to Describe awareness, attitudes and usage by enterprises, institutions, households and individuals of communication services. -
Aiddata geocoded Aid Data
This is the initial quality controlled version of all geocoded aid project locations in the Uganda Aid Management Platform. This is a government platform that records aid... -
Diva Ugandan Geo Datasets
Quite good collection of shapefiles for Uganda. -
Development aid by Aidflow.Org
AidFlows visualizes how much development aid is provided and received around the world. Users can select individual donors (providing the aid) and beneficiaries (receiving the... -
Production of major crops by district, UCA 2008 / 2009
Production of major crops by district, UCA 2008 / 2009 -
List of tertiary institution.
List of tertiary institution. The year in which this data was compiled is not specified. -
List of primary schools
List of private and government primary schools. The year in which the data was created is not specified.
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