This is a summarized version by district. It takes the total number of pupils with division one, the total number of students and the percentage of pupils with division one per district.
欄位 | 值 |
最後更新 | 二月 20, 2014 |
建立 | 二月 20, 2014 |
格式 | text/csv |
授權 | License not specified |
created | 超過 11 年之前 |
format | CSV |
hash | f2c9e8f803475e42ce25dc3b526a9728 |
id | 5a0ab1f2-7988-4611-9727-72cdfa83dfed |
last modified | 超過 11 年之前 |
mimetype | text/csv |
on same domain | 1 |
package id | a4a1ef8b-afa4-4b8f-b9f3-d4ef9b783eee |
position | 1 |
revision id | 7dfe2603-fd61-4497-b11f-b14602ca3722 |
size | 2.1 KiB |
state | active |
url type | upload |
webstore last updated | 超過 11 年之前 |
webstore url | active |