Growth in Energy Purchases and Sales of ...
The energy purchases and sales of the Distribution Utilities are presented in this data. Overall, the Utilities that wheel power over the National Grid purchased 3,685.2 GWh during 2018 compared to 3,390.5 GWh in 2017, signifying a 9% increment. The energy purchased by UMEME Limited increased by about 8% from 3,335.7 GWh in 2017 to 3,601.1GWh in 2018 while the purchases of the Mini-Grids increased from 54.7GWh in 2017 to 83.2 GWh in 2018. This data was obtained from the ERA electricity supply industry performance report of 2018
欄位 | 值 |
最後更新 | 七月 14, 2019 |
建立 | 七月 14, 2019 |
格式 | CSV |
授權 | Other (Public Domain) |
created | 超過 5 年之前 |
datastore active | 1 |
format | CSV |
has views | 1 |
id | e5f7567a-6c52-4d81-869e-e465c941878b |
last modified | 超過 5 年之前 |
on same domain | 1 |
package id | 7fed140b-b871-4124-af86-419b5ca1d469 |
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