subcounties kampala
This data set shows Administrative Boundary data, specifically the Division or Sub-county Boundary for Kampala as in 2014. The data is acquired from the Bureau of Statistics.
欄位 | 值 |
最後更新 | 八月 15, 2017 |
建立 | 八月 15, 2017 |
格式 | GeoJSON |
授權 | License not specified |
created | 超過 7 年之前 |
format | GeoJSON |
id | 26600dc4-e3e2-430a-9e65-c5aafab6fa03 |
last modified | 超過 7 年之前 |
on same domain | 1 |
package id | 51aef143-8b73-490b-964d-a520192fddfb |
revision id | c30df77f-ba12-485b-b2e8-5aa9f8c3d90d |
state | active |
url type | upload |