KCCA Approved Budget (‘000)Estimates for FY ...

URL: http://catalog.data.ug/dataset/f4fd39b7-8e9d-4b40-a4b3-3ee2d96564b6/resource/4e21ab11-6983-46be-bfd5-3309b020a958/download/kccaapprovedbudget000estimatesforfy201213.csv

This Financial Year, Government allocation to KCCA has reduced by UGX 15 Bn from the allocation in FY 2011/12 amidst increasing demands for service delivery in the city. Government has also not fully provided for the staff costs as per the KCCA approved structure which will further put a strain on KCCA‟s ability to mobilize enough revenue and deliver services. Most of the unfunded priorities therefore need to be considered for financing to enable KCCA avoid increased cost of delayed implementation.

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Додаткова інформація

Поле Значення
Останнє оновлення 10 Липень 2014
Створено 10 Липень 2014
Формат text/csv
Ліцензія License not specified
createdбільше 10 років назад
last modifiedбільше 10 років назад
on same domain1
package idf4fd39b7-8e9d-4b40-a4b3-3ee2d96564b6
revision id2f8a59b4-35f0-46ec-8023-19bef0b2896a
size8,4 KiB
url typeupload