Activity Stream
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data_ug updated the dataset Number of girls present today over 9 years ago
data_ug updated the dataset Has there been a PTA meeting in the last 4 months? over 9 years ago
data_ug updated the dataset Are there separate latrines at the school for boys and girls? over 9 years ago
data_ug updated the dataset Does the school have access to a safe water source? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset What is the stock level of Vit A (marker for Nutrition)? over 9 years ago
data_ug updated the dataset How many units/stances for boys? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Does the TFC maintain monthly records? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Does the facility have a safe water source? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Is there water available all the time? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Was the water quality tested in the last 3 months? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Is there a waste incinerator at the health facility? over 9 years ago
data_ug updated the dataset DevTrac locations over 9 years ago
data_ug updated the dataset Do both the community and school have access to the water source at the health facility? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset How many teachers work at the school? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset How many teachers are working today? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Number of boys enrolled in school over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Number of boys present today over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Number of girls enrolled in school over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Number of girls present today over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Has there been a PTA meeting in the last 4 months? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Are there separate latrines at the school for boys and girls? over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Does the school have access to a safe water source? over 9 years ago
data_ug updated the dataset DevTrac activities over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset How many units/stances for boys? over 9 years ago
data_ug updated the resource Unnamed resource in the dataset DevTrac organisations over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset Do both the community and school have access to the water source at the health facility? over 9 years ago
data_ug updated the dataset DevTrac organisations over 9 years ago
data_ug updated the dataset DevTrac site reports over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset DevTrac locations over 9 years ago
Arthur Muteesasira created the dataset DevTrac activities over 9 years ago
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