Health Sector Financing 2006/07- 2012/13 (Ushs Billions)
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Output Performance in Comparison to Budget Performance for the FY 2012/13 (On...
comparison of the budget performance against the output performance. In cases where the output performance is below the finance performance for the first half of the financial... -
Performance Trends of Health Service Indicators
There are 8 core health service coverage indicators for monitoring the HSSIP 2010/11- 2014/15 implementation. However, these indicators will be enhanced with NDP target... -
Resource Envelope for FY 2012/13- 2013/14 (Ushs billions)
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Sector Allocations and their share of MTEF in FY 2013/14 compared to FY 2012/13
Sectoral allocations in FY 2013/14 indicate a growth of 7.3% in the MTEF allocation when compared to FY 2012/13. The highest increase of resource allocation is under the Energy... -
Unfunded Priority Outputs FY 2013-14 (UGX, Bns)
Critical analysis of the Sector Budget Framework Paper (SBFP) for FY 2013-14, reveals that there is a huge funding gap amounting Ushs 1,445.22bn and some of the key priorities...